
(left to right)

ERIK - Guitar & vocals • Saved By The Bell connoisseur / cries during Pearl Jam documentaries / always Coke, never Pepsi / has way too many bags & shoes /  honestly, just ends up yelling most of the songs / Libra

JESSE - Guitar & vocals • young but not that young / pun expert / meme expert / sometimes shaggy / sometimes not / uses Band-Aid™Brand bandages / doesn't make any stupid faces during guitar solos / Scorpio

CARTER - Drums • by far the most responsible / enjoys a good salmon salad / has strange affiliations with several college football teams / can't play effectively without the sweet, sweet comfort of an oscillating fan / Aquarius

DAVID - Bass & vocals • often draped in plaid & denim / Taco Bell enthusiast / Taco Bell sufferer / feels the rhythm, feels the rhyme / has countless doppelgangers / not tempted by the vices of mortal men / Virgo